Now in hindsight, I realize this was probably the only way God could make the same impact that He did but literally half hour before the first guests were scheduled to arrive the rain disappeared... and as our final guest was departing it started right up again. In between, it was absolutely perfect and beautiful! Such good luck, right? No, it was ALL God! I kept telling myself that morning, I am doubting and not trusting in the one that can just block out that single cloud with His finger for us if he wanted to as He provided perfect shade for the Israelites crossing the desert. So anyway - I needed that blatant reminder that everything is so beyond my control and I just need to trust in His providence. And even if that wasn't what He planned, I still would have been okay as it was a wonderful day for the family!
Now, I just need to perfect how to be a good hostess! I realize how much I dread this task. I am much more the behind the scenes, hide in the kitchen or behind my clipboard type of person, or sit in my corner with my group of acquaintances... but keeping a smile constantly pasted on my face, taking pictures, saying "thank you for coming" and promising to come back to them but never quite making it back to stretch out the conversation... yeah, not my forte. Well, it was still all wonderful and our Sydnie is now a one year old! Wow!!!
I don't have my pics from the dohl yet, so here are some pics from Lisa's baby shower in October:
that was amazing sunshine! sydnies dol was the best one i have ever been to! thanks for inviting us. i ate one too many macarooons.
It was a great party. You did an amazing job. I am sure Sydnie will love to look at the pictures when she gets older. Thanks for including us.
i remember those little sandwiches. i remember i ate them for a loooonngggg time.
im just seeing these pics.. ha ha. great shower it was. :)
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