Today marked the final day of work as maternity leave officially begins tomorrow... It was definitely strange wrapping up in the office and made me wonder how much stranger it would be if I was quiting all together!!! It still hasn't registered that I won't be returing to the office for three months. Who knows if this new sense of freedom will ever register or I'll be going into labor by week's end and starting "work" all over again! Well, definitely no idea what to expect or how to predict... but I guess that is God's great introduction to parenthood...

Enjoyed last day with a fun shower from the St. Regis Ladies

Preggo water in the office - Sheri (in picture)with March baby and Erika soon after us in July...

Eileen & Me... and Naan!
dooood. i like the way ur pics are in this slide show thingy. what did ur Yub get u??
So can I start blogging too? I'm gonna write insane stupid nonsensical things and you'll have to erase the entries hehe.
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