I definitely do think it is necessary for parents to have their own time together but I don't think we'll be planning another multiple day excursion away from Sydnie anytime soon.
Isn't it funny how Sydnie has been with us for such a short time and with each passing day I become just as dependent on her as she is on us! Just as I can't imagine life without Steve, now a day without Sydnie also feels incomplete. Maybe if separation was out of necessity it would be different but we felt selfish to be going somewhere to have fun without her while she was alone and confused at home! Sorry Sydnie! I probably missed you more than you missed us but promise we'll limit our mom & dad times to bowling and movie nights instead!
On a side note, all you Vegas lovers, I honestly just can't relate. I hadn't been in six years so I was really excited about the trip but the majority of the time my eyes and nose were burning, which kept me away from the paigow table! I guess no more $4.99 prime rib buffets for me!
Sydnie started sitting up on her own recently. This video looks scripted with her final pose!
I think you passed the gambling genes to mandu then cuz that girl loves it - BINGO! :)
aww.. i cant believe she is already siting up! wow. :)
as for you and Steve taking the time to spend with e/other i think it was a great idea but i now can see why parents have such a hard time being separated with their child/kids. I guess God is truly molding us into our new found life stage as parents but even our molding our desires to reflect that stage. So amazing how our hearts can change like that (esp. for ppl like me who treasure my time with my hubby). :)
YES! you were selfish. Pobrecita...and where did you find the $4.99 prime rib in Vegas?
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